Do you have any questions about booking information? See the list below for our most frequently asked questions.
If your questions are not listed here, please contact us.

Our artists charge hourly rates, with a minimum charge of one hour. Our artists’ rates range from $120 to $300 per hour, so if you have an artist in mind, it’s best to inquire directly with them about their rates.We also offer a “micro” rate of $80/30 min for one very small piece (less than 3 inches) that takes 30 minutes or less.

On top of our artists’ rates, we charge a $28 shop supply fee and GST.

Our shop takes walk-ins as well as booked appointments, but we cannot guarantee walk-in availability, and the artists who are taking walk-ins are subject to change depending on their daily schedules. Walk-ins are also only available for small and simple pieces, as larger and more detailed pieces require more time for your artist to draw up a design. We recommend giving us a call to inquire for an open spot as it will be first call/inquiry, first serve for available spots.

You can call us at 587-521-0300 to inquire about walk-in availability.
In order to secure a booked appointment with our artists we do first require a free consultation appointment with your artist. At your consultation you can share your tattoo ideas and your artist will design something with all of your input in mind. At the end of your consultation, if you do decide to book a tattoo session with us, we require a deposit (which will be redeemed at your tattoo appointment) to secure your time slot and to have your design drawn up. For consultations we have an inquiry form to fill out here, and individual artists also have their own inquiry forms linked on their social media or websites. You can also email us at get@somethingcooltatto.com to book a consultation.

For custom pieces we offer design checks the day before your tattoo appointment. We ask that you come into our shop in person for it. At your design check appointment your artist will show you the design they have drawn up for you and you can discuss if there are any changes to make before your tattoo. 

We do require deposits to book with our artists. Deposits are what secures your appointment with us and ensures that your time slot is reserved for you. Deposits are redeemed at the end of your tattoo session provided you adhere to our shop policy, which we will go over with you at your consultation. Deposits are a minimum of $50 but will vary depending on the estimated length of your tattoo session (longer sessions require larger deposits).
Please make sure to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your artist after your tattoo.

Your artist will apply a Second Skin bandage to your tattoo. The bandage is waterproof and is to be worn for 6 days. After removing the Second Skin, wash the area with unscented soap and moisturize with aftercare cream or unscented lotion at least twice a day. Please also abstain from hot tubs and swimming until your tattoo is fully healed (2-4 weeks). Blood and ink might build up inside the bandage but that is totally normal. The healing process might also include scabbing, dryness, and itchiness; please refrain from scratching at the skin as it can damage your tattoo.

If you have any questions about aftercare for your tattoo please don’t hesitate to reach out! Feel free to contact us by phone if you need any clarification.
We do not tattoo any individuals who are intoxicated. In addition to an inability to consent to being tattooed while under the influence, there is also a possibility of cross reactivity when tattooing with substances in your system. Artists reserve the right to refuse to tattoo clients who have consumed drugs or alcohol within 24 hours of their session.

We do not tattoo minors, regardless of written parental consent, but we would love to have you at our shop once you do turn 18!

After booking your appointment with us, we allow up to 3 reschedules as long as you provide at least 48 hours’ notice. In order to reschedule, we ask that you call into our shop at 587-521-0300 during our business hours (no emails, DM’s, texts). If you need to reschedule more than 3 times or you do not provide at least 48 hours’ notice, your deposit will be taken and we would require another deposit to continue booking with us. Lastly, no shows without any notice will result in a ban from our shop.

We require you to present a valid form of government issued photo ID for your appointment.

At our shop we always strive to maintain a positive and welcoming environment, and to foster a good relationship with our clients. We reserve the right to refuse to tattoo individuals who are rude or disrespectful.
While our artists charge their rates for tattoo work, our shop supply fee covers the costs of tattoo ink, needles, stencils, razors, tattoo bed sheets, and more. We always use the highest quality supplies, dispose of our tools safely, and sterilize all of our equipment between sessions, and so our supply fee helps to ensure that the highest standard of health precautions are taken for all of our clients.
Although deposits are non-refundable, your deposit will be redeemed at the end of your tattoo session (i.e. the cost of your deposit will be deducted from the final cost of your tattoo) provided you adhere to our shop policy. Your deposit is what secures your appointment and ensures that your time slot is reserved for you. Having a redeemable deposit also encourages you to attend your appointment and holds you accountable to our cancellation/reschedule policy as outlined in our waiver. As well, because drawing and designing takes a significant amount of work before your tattoo, deposits ensure artists are compensated for the work they invest in your piece in the event that you do not attend your appointment. Following your consultation but prior to taking payment for your deposit, we will review our shop policy with you to make sure we are on the same page.
With all of the support and love we receive from our clients, every member of our team strives to reciprocate that energy and to always show up for our clients warmly and professionally. While we aim to curate a welcoming and safe space in our shop for our clients, the shop is also importantly a comfortable and safe workplace for our crew and their artistic practices. Therefore, we have zero tolerance for any rudeness or disrespect towards our team or to other clients. We believe that respect and kindness are two-way streets; just as you as a client are able to choose your tattoo artist, our artists reserve the right to decide if they are comfortable working with you and your ideas.
Artists will take on projects based on interest, subject, and style, and our artists reserve the right to refuse designs as well. We always strive to do the best work possible, and that includes being honest and upfront with our clients; therefore our artists may refuse certain requests because of a mismatch in style, if they are not comfortable with the design, or the request is more suited for another artist.